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If you have the opportunity to work with Gem, consider yourself blessed by an actual angel. Truly a heart of gold, filled with abundant knowledge and kindness. Can recommend any and all of their services.
— Katy Laurel
As a facilitator of this birth knowledge and information, Gem delivered exceptionally to our training group. I felt safe, seen, and supported which meant the world to me. She is so gentle and beautiful by nature. I am privileged to have been taught and guided by her.
— Divine

I've never met anyone like Gem. They are deeply kind, hugely knowledgeable, truly caring and engaged in one's journey. I would recommend Gem to anyone looking for support or coaching. Believe me, they are worth every cent—and will help you change your life and grow as a human being.
— Esther
Gem is an educator for all —clear with information, passionate about sharing the decade of doula, bodywork, and emotional intelligence knowledge they continue to grow, personalized and organized about how students will best learn, and grounded in embodied practices that cradle nervous systems through difficult topics or patterns associated with 'learning'. I hope that everyone has an opportunity to expand their own horizons with Gem.
— G

Registration is now officially open for the in-person Rainbow Doula Training in Berlin, 2025!
If this is our first time connecting, I'm Gem, a certified full spectrum doula and doula educator, practicing since 2015 in Berlin. I'm originally from the US but moved here on a Fulbright Scholarship shortly after graduating from Brown University in 2014. Since then, I have accompanied hundreds of international families in their birth, postpartum, fertility and loss journeys. I've also served as Lead Educator and Head of Curriculum Development at Doula Trainings International. Nothing is more satisfying and full circle to me than passing the wisdom I've gained to a new generation of doulas, maximizing the impact of this wave of change in reproductive healthcare. I'm a queer non binary practitioner, which informs everything I do. My pride and joy has been accompanying trans & non binary clients as a gender transition doula.
Who are you? You are someone who believes people have a right to INFORMED CONSENT and emotional care in the reproductive space.
You care about the severe health disparities and increased maternal and infant mortality rates for people of color giving birth. You want to make a difference with your work, and be a part of the change you wish to see in the world.
Friends may often seek you out for advice or space holding when they're in times of great change.
Maybe you're already a professional caregiver—a chiropractor, masseuse, teacher, nanny/ babysitter, or social worker.
Maybe you've always had a fascination with birth and the postpartum time, or maybe you only realized it was a passion for you by going through it yourself.
What matters is, you have something to contribute, and you're curious to learn more.
I highly recommend this in-person training because it will connect you to a group of local doulas who you will lean on, learn from, and work with as backup throughout your doula practice. It's a chance to cultivate community, which is your single greatest resource as a doula. No matter where in the world you plan to practice, this training will give you the foundations and relationships needed to thrive in your global work.
This training stands out.
Learn from a queer non binary educator
Learn nervous system literacy and become a trauma-informed practitioner
Taking care to not appropriate cultural traditions which are not our own
Deepen spiritual awareness
Understand structural oppression in the reproductive space
Detailed instruction in patient advocacy to address disparities
Focus on boundaries, reciprocity, and radical self care
Financial, business and sustainability coaching​
High level branding, marketing and sales instruction
Learn from my nine years of experience working full time as a doula in Berlin—mistakes as well as wins
Referrals for care providers & Berlin specific resources & info
Hands-on instruction in sacral rubs, hip squeezes and other comfort measures
Strong emphasis on building a financially secure, sustainable business
Learn how to fill your cup as a caregiver to avoid and heal from burnout/ compassion fatigue
Inclusive, reproductive justice oriented lens in which the wisdom and presence of people of color, disabled folks, and queer families are honored & celebrated
4 days of core curriculum in person, followed by ten months self guided study and field work with ongoing mentorship
The opportunity to certify for your lifetime, with no need to re-certify or pay dues
The Structure:
Four consecutive days in-person learning in community in Berlin
Followed by 10 months of virtual mentorship
The only in-person commitment is the first four days, after which you can complete the training and field work from anywhere in the world. This hybrid in-person and online model is perfect for international doulas, as well as busy folks who want to learn in their own tempo, like parents.
Curious about the certification requirements? Take a look at them right here.
Live Your Dream And Become A Doula
Registration now open for 2025. Location: SIA Berlin

Your Investment Options:
12 instalments of 247€
6 instalments of 494€
3 instalments of 988€
Pay in full 2,965€
​Instalments carry zero interest with the goal of making the training accessible to as many folks as possible. Note I have a limited number of reduced cost spots available to financially strapped folks. Priority will be given to doulas of color, disabled and queer doulas.
I remember what a big decision it was for me, investing in my own doula training back in 2015. I put my whole savings into it at the time while I was working as a nanny and artist in New York straight out of college. The reason I phrase it as an investment is to put it in perspective. Since 2015 when I started out, I've earned hundreds of thousands of euros in my doula practice, paying back my investments many times over. This training is the chance to get quality mentorship, education and community as you build a sustainable career for yourself that can truly last you a lifetime. Doing work which is integral to your being, aligned with your values, and makes demonstrable positive change in your community.
Speaking from experience, my education as a doula was the best investment I have ever made in my career, my mental health, and my spiritual path, hands down. ​​
Becoming a doula is much more than learning a trade. Becoming a doula is an unfurling of self. It is the weaving together of a group of humans oriented towards change like flowers orient to the sun. It is the building of a lifelong chosen family and community. And it is where you will learn the skills to hold space for social and relational change at the most essential level: the level of family, health, safety and origins.
Many doula trainings prepare doulas to accompany clients but fail to teach them practical skills that will help them create a thriving business with a full client flow. I will teach you the skills to make yourself seen and build an intimate, profitable connection with your audience in the digital age. Doulas who walk into my training insecure about sales and marketing walk out confident and ready. ​
If something is sparking in you as you read this and you warm a dream of becoming a doula like a baby bird in your heart nest, book this free connection call with me below. Even if you're not sure how you'll afford it, or if you're not sure how it fits in your life...if you have questions, concerns, hesitations, unknowns—bring them to our call together. Let's talk it through. The call is no obligation, just a space for us to hold space for your dream and hear how it peeps. What sacred song is knitted in that baby bird's wings? How can we get it safely into the sky?
Check out the space where we'll be learning together:

Doula-attended births have a 39% reduced risk of cesarean, 10% reduction in requests for pain medication, 31% reduction in parents reporting dissatisfaction with their birth experience, and are on-average 41 minutes shorter.
Gem mentors doulas and leads an amazing team of educators as Lead Educator and Head of Curriculum Development at Doula Trainings International, a worldwide premiere doula training organization. Gem is a birth care expert with experience deeply accompanying hundreds of reproductive journeys, including
home birth
LGBTQ+ parents and creatively structured families
birthing center (Geburtshaus) birth
trans* parents
birth in almost every hospital in Berlin
first time parents as well as second, third and fourth
water birth
induction birth
planned cesarean birth
multiples (twins and triplets)
perinatal loss
and families from all over the world, including Germany, the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Ireland, England, Australia, Israel, Italy, France, Spain, Finland, Holland, Estonia and Iceland.

Sprechen Du oder Dein:e Partner:in(nen) eine andere Sprache als Deutsch als Erstsprache? Bist Du auf der Suche nach einem qualifizierten, vorurteilsfreien und zweisprachigen Menschen, der Dich durch den Geburtsprozess begleitet? Ein:e Doula leistet Geburtsbegleitung auf Abruf, um Dich während der Wehen und der Geburt kontinuierlich zu betreuen, während medizinische Fachkräfte ein- und ausgehen. Dein:e Doula bleibt während der gesamten Zeit an Deiner Seite, unterstützt Dein körperliches Wohlbefinden und hilft dabei, dass Du und Dein:e Partner:in(nen) sich in dieser aufreibenden Zeit ruhig, sicher und geschützt fühlen können.