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Spiritually aware, trauma informed care. The gift of healing on the deepest level.

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“Having Gem in our life was a game changer.”
Ina & Karl


If you’ve found this page, it’s likely because you are a "curse breaker" in your family’s line. With your life path, you're rewriting patterns that have been generations in the making.


The reason what you’re struggling with feels so much bigger than you is because it is. 

It’s the culmination of many ancestors’ life’s work, life’s failings, life’s losses, life’s joys, and life’s deepest Truths—spoken and unspoken.


The good news is that everything you heal, though, honors more than just you. The people you care for—children, pets, friends, plant life and bodies of water near you—it all reaps the rewards of what you continually sow through your healing process.


Not only are the challenges you face as big as life; so are the joys. So is the abundance.

When it is free to move, all exists in Balance. 


Trauma, especially chronic emotional pain, freezes us. It either freezes us like a statue—a mask of someone laughing when they mean to grimace, breathing shortly like they’re gasping when air is actually plentiful—or freezes us in a loop. That loop can be fighting, fleeing, fawning, or many other complex and frustrating, painful ways of being that might appear like they involve change or tumult, but actually just contain repetition and someone trapped living behind it all, feeling like they don’t have control. 


Chronic emotional pain shrinks us, shrinks our scope of what we believe can be normal and true, and shrinks our impact. 


But you are here because you love to be big. Even big in a small way. Big happy. Big stupid laughing. Big booty dancing. Big sway on the long, slow water of a lazy evening. 


The point is, you don't want to repeat the patterns of pain and harm that were passed down to you. The ones you see unfolding systemically, and are making hell in your nervous system. And you're not! And I honor that in you, profoundly. But it's taking a ton of effort to rewrite them, and babe? You're not meant to do it alone.  


I’m Gem, by the way. Just to introduce myself, I hail from Brown University, became a doula shortly after graduating, and moved to Berlin on a Fulbright grant, where I’ve spent a decade deeply accompanying folks on the edges. Dancing through portals of existence, shaking, rocking, moaning, yawning, leaking, and welcoming new beings into life and death. My mission is to provide spiritually aware, trauma-informed care to women, trans and non binary people embracing change. I am on earth to hold space for a better world to be born. 


These virtual healing sessions are the most distilled essence of my presence and space holding as a doula. This offering comes from the wisdom and knowledge I have been blessed to inhabit and witness alongside my clients. It is also a culmination of my own healing journey, as an autistic, highly sensitive, fiercely moral, justice-oriented grassroots care worker. We will work with magic, intuition, ancestral guidance, and the earth and your community, to deeply listen to what life is calling forth from you now. I will guide you from my experience as a lifelong doula, incorporating the lessons and wisdom which come directly from Birth and Death, to add warm lights and landmarks along your way to soul fulfilment. You will walk away changed. 


What your work may boil down to:

  • Understanding how to feel, embrace, create and maintain clear boundaries with yourself and those you love

  • What consent looks like in your life

  • How and when and why you hold emotional labor

  • Deep rest on a spiritual level, why you need it and how it wants to come to you

  • Counselling on money and resources. Release yourself from harmful scripts, transform your attitude toward resources from scarcity to abundance

  • Community building. How can I connect you to even more resources and loving safer emotional spaces?

  • Queer, non monogamous relating. Meet me with a partner or partners and make space to heal your relationship

  • Conflict mediation 

  • If you are pregnant: processing your last birth experience and preparing and making way for your next one

  • Resources and guidance on birth, baby feeding, fertility, loss

  • Accompaniment through gender transition for trans folks in movement

  • Mentorship if you are a doula building your practice


If this sounds broad, it’s because this is holistic healing space, just for you, customized to where you’re at in your journey. The way my mind works, and your healing process works, everything is interconnected. There’s no part of you—including your intimate encounters, s3xual life, and relationship to your body—that is irrelevant or uninvited. I warmly invite all of you to come to this party. ​​​​


Sometimes it will feel like we’re “shining a light” on something, to help you see it more clearly, but just as often, it will feel like we’re rocking something in the dark.

Honoring that what’s invisible can be sensed and felt better when there are no lights on.

That shining light reveals some things but erases others.

That darkness arises in life for a reason, right on time, not early or late. 


We will practice being with the Unknown, together. 


And no matter what turns your process takes, you will not be alone in it. 


You will have a Soul Doula, holding your sacred space and encouraging you to advocate for yourself and your needs while you birth the next part of your life path.


My expertise is holding folks through times of intensity and change, like pregnancy, birth, loss and gender transition. But the stagnant energy that arises from chronic emotional pain, and the sense of being trapped in a pattern and not knowing the way out, is also a good prompting to see me. 


Ultimately, the most important message is the one you got from your body when you found my work or this web page. If you had a gut feeling, or intuitive clarity, that this is for you, then the next step is to book a free connection call so we can talk more deeply.

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The investment for this transformative healing care is 1,100€ 

for the six session Self Care Package


Instalment plans available as low as 110€/ month​

A note on finances: accessibility is important to me. I have a set number of reduced rate spots available annually. Book a call to inquire whether one is available. 



How do we meet?

The six session self care package is six one-hour sessions on Zoom. Our focus will be on guided visualization, soul reclamation, confidential conversation, ritual if desired, and deep space holding.


How often do we meet?

Every two weeks. But you're always welcome to book a session sooner if you need. If you don't use your sessions within six months, they'd expire. (The exception would be if I'm accompanying your gender transition process because I might accompany medical appointments or surgeries.)


What about in between sessions?

I create a custom canva presentation with notes, resources & inspiration for each client and keep it updated, so you can visit it anytime. You're also welcome to email me anytime between sessions.


I see a therapist/ we see a couple's therapist. Does this make sense for us?

This care comes from a different paradigm. It makes an excellent complement to traditional therapy. The difference is that this care is focused on revisiting roots, reclaiming and re-integrating lost or traumatized past selves, and re-patterning your way of being to explore radiance more fully. This care is spiritual in nature and does engage with your deep intuition, the unseen, and leaves space for mystery and creativity. If you've been in traditional therapy for a while but there are blocks you're tired of spiralling through, I recommend this.


Can I do more than six sessions?

Of course. I see some clients regularly for years. The six session Self Care Package is the initial gift you make to yourself to invest in this type of deep accompaniment. After that, continue as long as you want.

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