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This is the contact page where you can find Annie Kocher, birth and postpartum doula’s, email. You can fill out a form getting in touch with them and sharing your estimated due date, your pronouns, your name, and any other message you’d like to write to them. This contact form is also ideal to use if you want to connect with Annie to book them for a speaking engagement, class, workshop, to teach childbirth education, to consult with your business or organization, or to hire them to teach strategies to make your company, office or medical practice more queer and trans inclusive.
Annie Kocher is certified with Doula Trainings International. They are a speaker, educator, mentor, consultant and doula. Their work spans the fields of birth, reproductive justice, abortion care, pregnancy loss accompaniment (miscarriage, etc.), the postpartum and newborn period, nourishing new parents, lactation consulting, and queer and trans parenting. They provide uterine/ womb massage, fertility awareness counseling (Fruchtbarkeitsbewusstsein), and help folks with issues around sex, intimacy and concious family building. Self care is paramount in everything Annie teaches. Possibly the most radical political act for people who belong to structurally oppressed groups is to thrive.
Annie believes people can thrive when they learn how to navigate the rocky terrain of what we cannot change versus what we can, and get curious about what resistances they may have around caring for themselves, being abundantly nourished, and experiencing ample pleasure in every possible moment in life. Transforming this, Annie believes, will help change systems of oppression at their roots. Ultimately, with seventh generation thinking and heartfelt world-building--thinking and working on the most grassroots level, the level of the self--the world can and will change from the inside out. Which is the only meaningful way for it to change.
The most exciting new addition to Annie’s practice is providing gender transition doula care, which means holding space, offering resources, and caring for trans, non binary and gender non conforming folks who are going through some kind of gender transition/ coming to terms with their gender. This could include HRT (hormonal replacement therapy with estrogen or testosterone), top or bottom surgery, or neither.
Contact Annie Kocher Doula Berlin

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