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Doula Feminist Care Mission

My practice is founded in reverence for birthing people of all colors, respect for radical vulnerability, passion for creating safer spaces, and appreciation of unconventional, queer, disabled and gender non-conforming experiences of fertility and parenting. My work is based in an anti-oppression framework in which I prioritize slowness, awareness, openness, and other pre-patriarchal ways of being.

In our world, having body literacy as a birth giver is radical. Finding power within, as opposed to fighting for power over, is radical. Embracing chaos, the unknown, and forces we cannot control with gratitude and acceptance is radical. Having a queer, non-binary or otherwise extra-ordinary engagement with birth is radical.
You deserve to have your process witnessed and accompanied as it is. To be courageously embodied is your birthright. To be honored and respected in the midst of fear and vulnerability is your birthright. Birth is the ultimate teacher and we have the opportunity to be its students through this intersectional creative process.